How Contact Wearers Can Prevent Eye Infections

How Contact Wearers Can Prevent Eye Infections

Contact lenses offer a convenient alternative to eyeglasses for vision correction, but these lenses also come at a greater risk of eye infections. Properly caring for and wearing contact lenses is crucial for ensuring you can wear lenses safely and comfortably. Vision Professionals of Leawood in Leawood, KS, is here to explain how contact wearers can prevent eye infections.

Always Wash Your Hands Before Handling Contact Lenses

Washing your hands before handling contact lenses is vital for preventing eye infections. Your hands can transfer bacteria and other germs to your contacts if you do not clean and dry them before touching the lenses. Debris can also get stuck in your lenses due to unwashed hands. Small pockets of water in your contacts can lead to bacteria growth, so always dry your hands before touching contacts.

Clean the Lenses Thoroughly

Cleaning your lenses thoroughly is another integral step toward preventing eye infections. Always use the cleaning solution recommended by your optometrist near you when cleaning your lenses. Rub your lenses while rinsing them with the solution. Do not use tap water to rinse your contacts. Tap water contains microorganisms that get trapped in contact lenses and cause bacteria growth.

Avoid Sleeping While Wearing Contacts

Sleeping with contact lenses on is dangerous. You are at an increased risk of developing eye infections when you wear contacts overnight. Doing this can also lead to corneal damage due to the lenses drying out. Talk with our eye doctor to determine how long you should wear your contacts.

Replace Your Contact Lenses When Needed

Once you receive your contact lenses, our eye doctor will instruct you on how frequently you need to replace them. You must adhere to this timeline. Infections are more likely to occur if you use contacts past their expiration date. You can also suffer significant eye and vision damage if you continually use expired contacts. Always replace your lenses when it is time to do so.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You in Leawood, KS, to Protect Your Eyesight

If you have an eye infection and need treatment from an “optometrist near you,” look no further than the Vision Professionals of Leawood in Leawood, KS. Our eye doctor can evaluate your eyes and provide effective treatment to help you regain visual clarity and comfort. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (913) 239-9446 to protect your eye and vision health.

How Contact Wearers Can Prevent Eye Infections

Contact lenses offer a convenient alternative to eyeglasses for vision correction, but these lenses also come at a greater risk of eye infections. Properly caring for and wearing contact lenses is crucial for ensuring you can wear lenses safely and comfortably. Vision Professionals of Leawood in Leawood, KS, is here to explain how contact wearers can prevent eye infections.

Always Wash Your Hands Before Handling Contact Lenses

Washing your hands before handling contact lenses is vital for preventing eye infections. Your hands can transfer bacteria and other germs to your contacts if you do not clean and dry them before touching the lenses. Debris can also get stuck in your lenses due to unwashed hands. Small pockets of water in your contacts can lead to bacteria growth, so always dry your hands before touching contacts.

Clean the Lenses Thoroughly

Cleaning your lenses thoroughly is another integral step toward preventing eye infections. Always use the cleaning solution recommended by your optometrist near you when cleaning your lenses. Rub your lenses while rinsing them with the solution. Do not use tap water to rinse your contacts. Tap water contains microorganisms that get trapped in contact lenses and cause bacteria growth.

Avoid Sleeping While Wearing Contacts

Sleeping with contact lenses on is dangerous. You are at an increased risk of developing eye infections when you wear contacts overnight. Doing this can also lead to corneal damage due to the lenses drying out. Talk with our eye doctor to determine how long you should wear your contacts.

Replace Your Contact Lenses When Needed

Once you receive your contact lenses, our eye doctor will instruct you on how frequently you need to replace them. You must adhere to this timeline. Infections are more likely to occur if you use contacts past their expiration date. You can also suffer significant eye and vision damage if you continually use expired contacts. Always replace your lenses when it is time to do so.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You in Leawood, KS, to Protect Your Eyesight

If you have an eye infection and need treatment from an “optometrist near you,” look no further than the Vision Professionals of Leawood in Leawood, KS. Our eye doctor can evaluate your eyes and provide effective treatment to help you regain visual clarity and comfort. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (913) 239-9446 to protect your eye and vision health.

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