Myopia Control

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error. This condition allows you to see objects closeup clearly, but objects in the distance appear blurry. Myopia is present at birth, and it tends to progress over time. If your child has myopia, the eye doctors at Vision Professionals of Leawood can create a treatment plan to slow the progression of the condition and potentially eliminate it.


What is Myopia?

There are 14 million children in the United States who have myopia. Myopia runs in families. If one parent has myopia, there is a 25 percent chance that their child will. If both parents have myopia, the risk increases to 60 percent. Myopia is present at birth, and the symptoms worsen between the ages of 6 and 12 when a child’s eyes are growing the fastest.

As mentioned above, myopia causes objects in the distance to appear blurry. Other symptoms of myopia include:

  • Squinting to see clearly
  • Frequent headaches caused by eye strain
  • Sitting closer to the TV to see well
  • Needing to sit in the front of the classroom
  • Being unaware of distant objects
  • Excessive blinking
  • Frequent eye rubbing

Myopia Control Options

Myopia treatment options include:

  • Low-dose atropine drops: Our eye doctor may use atropine drops to dilate your eyes to get a good look at the back of your eyes and check for abnormalities. Low-dose atropine drops are also used for myopia control in children. The atropine drops temporarily stop the eyes from focusing, which prevents focusing fatigue. The drops will make your eyes blurry, which is why they are usually applied at night.
  • Ortho-K: Ortho-K, also known as orthokeratology, are special contact lenses that are designed to gently reshape your cornea while you sleep, allowing you to see clearly during the day without wearing corrective lenses. Studies have shown that the use of Ortho-K can stop the progression of myopia.
  • Peripheral defocus contact lenses: These are multifocal contacts with a prescription in the center that treats blurry vision. There is a second prescription on the outer part of the contact that slightly blurs your peripheral vision. Studies have shown that when peripheral vision remains blurry, it can slow the growth of the eye, which can control myopia. These contacts are typically prescribed to children between the ages of 6 and 12.

Eye Doctor in Leawood

If you believe you or your child are experiencing myopia, the eye care experts at Vision Professionals of Leawood are ready to assist you. Our eye doctor will evaluate your eyes to determine whether or not your eyes are myopic and provide treatment accordingly. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at (913) 239-9446.


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